Monday, May 7, 2007

How Many Wack Things Have To Happen Before You Quit?

A one? A two? A three?

Seriously though, where should we draw the line? How many put-downs and inappropriate show-downs must we face before we say:
"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, and fuck you, I'm out!"

So many things have gone down in this office that I don't even know where to begin to explain my reasons for quitting.

And yes, I did quit.

I knew the time would come when I just couldn't take it anymore. And that time came and went. But, I've been offered a considerable sum to work elsewhere. So, you can imagine the ease with which I said: "Peace Y'all."

So, I will be your bitchy receptionist for two more weeks and then I will pack up my my bitch bags and move on. And I'm damn happy about it. Don't worry, BAD RECEPTION isn't going anywhere. I will continue to blog about life in the administrative abyss. That's right kiddies, I'm still an administrative bitch. How could I leave this glorious field?

It's true, I will no longer be a phone wrangler...but trust job is perfect.

And if there is work to be done, Front Desk Damsel will be there to bitch about it!

Movin' on up.

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